Strong Blocks Rent to Own Milwaukee Program

Learning the anatomy of a credit score is extremely important for anyone out there who is looking to obtain financing. During the next couple weeks, I will take you through the Pathways to Financial Empowerment Bootcamp to teach you various credit repair Milwaukee topics such as:

  • How to build your score and protect your credit 
  • How to handle collections and judgments
  • Advice about credit cards
  • Information on credit builder products, and more!

A three digit number can determine whether you can buy a home, buy a car, get approved for a loan, get a job, Insurance rates, rent a nice apartment, ect. The incredibly important number that you're walking around with can prevent you from obtaining lifes necessities. While your credit score and your credit report are two different things, they are tied to one another and so they go hand in hand. Being denied because of your credit report is worst than the pain of having a baby (without meds).

If you don't already have a copy of your credit report I suggest you go to and get it! Annual Credit Report is a Government Website that allows you to get a 1 free copy of all three of your credit reports (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) per year . You can also check with your bank or credit union to see if they offer a free copy.  Don't pull credit too many times, but find a single source to see where you stand today.

After you have your credit report, grab a notebook and follow along! Please continue to document each day in your "Bootcamp" notebook and feel free to inbox me at or visit the Pathways to Financial Empowerment Facebook page with your personal questions. I'll do my best to respond within 24 hours. Don't forget to stay tuned the next couple of weeks for more Bootcamp blog posts.

If you'd like to learn more about Guest Author and Expert Coretta Herring, visit Pathways to Financial Empowerment for other great credit and financial empowerment advice. If you'd like to learn about 9 myths about improving credit click here.  Or consider clicking here to learn about how to buy a house in Milwaukee.

Want to continue reading more from Coretta Herring's Credit Score Bootcamp? Click here to read Part Two.

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Coretta Herring, Pathways to Financial Empowerment

Written by Coretta Herring, Pathways to Financial Empowerment

Coretta Herring is Financial Coach for Pathways to Financial Empowerment and Real Estate Agent for Any House Realty. Prior to that she worked for Keller Williams and ACTS Housing serving as a counselor helping individuals renting properties owned by the City of Milwaukee transition into homeowners. Coretta has more than 13 years of credit counseling experience, serving, most recently, as the Financial Opportunity Center Program Manager for Riverworks Development Corporation. Corretta previously worked for the City of Milwaukee Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation as a Community Outreach Liaison and, for a decade, at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee, most recently as the Family Service Director. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Upper Iowa University. Many years prior to joining ACTS, Coretta purchased a home through ACTS in the ACTS North neighborhood, where she currently resides. You can email her at

Topics: Credit, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

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