Darryl's Story, a Rent To Own Milwaukee Testimonial
Topics: Rent to Own, Neighborhood Revitalization, Buying a Home

Scared of Duplex Ownership? 3 Tips You Should Know
Topics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Duplex

Michael's Journey, a Rent To Own Milwaukee Testimonial
"I began to consider homeownership a couple of years ago, because my son is getting older and it has been driving me to want to leave something behind for him one day."
- Michael | Strong Blocks Rent to Own Milwaukee Resident
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Topics: Rent to Own, Neighborhood Revitalization, Buying a Home

Rent to own: Don't think you're qualified? ...read this
Topics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

Jevita's Journey, a Rent To Own Milwaukee Testimonial
"I realized as my child got older the importance of homeownership for my family would be in order to continue to care for him at home."
- Jevita | Strong Blocks Rent to Own Milwaukee Resident
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Topics: Rent to Own, Neighborhood Revitalization, Buying a Home

How to protect your security deposit when you are moving
Although, home ownership has many benefits and is one of the leading ways to build wealth and create strong neighborhoods, rental housing provides a crucial option for many that are not able to qualify for a mortgage or choose to rent for another reason.
As a tenant, it is important to know your rights as a renter including your rights to your security deposit. So what should you know about your security deposit, how can you protect yourself, and how can you remedy a wrongfully taken security deposit? Read on...
Read MoreTopics: Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education
"I just got sick of landlords wanting extra money other than rent...my ideal housing situation is owning my own home, not having to pay anyone else's mortgage and taxes for them."
- Dana | Strong Blocks Rent to Own Milwaukee Resident
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Topics: Rent to Own, Neighborhood Revitalization, Buying a Home

Avoid Big Mistakes Made by First-Time homebuyers Part 2
Buying a home will likely be the most expensive and important purchase you will make. But considering many Milwaukee renters are paying at least $100 more each month then they would likely pay to own and maintain a home; it is worth it to buy.
To lesson the fear of making a mistake, in our last education post we talked about two major mistakes first-time homebuyer make and how to avoid them. We are back with three more mistakes to help you learn what not to do...
Read MoreTopics: Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

3 Ways to Keep More of Your Tax Refund For Yourself
If you are like many Americans, you get excited around tax time to see that pretty chunk of change available at your fingertips. Face it, we could all use more cash, there never seems to be enough to go around.
However, your tax refund is not free money. It is your hard earned income that the government has been collecting from your paycheck throughout the year to cover your tax burdens. If the taxes you owed is less than what the government has collected through the year, you'll be getting a tax refund. Since this is your money, lets talk about a few ways you can keep more of it for yourself...
Read MoreTopics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

Avoid Big Mistakes Made by First-time Homebuyers - Part 1
As a first time homebuyer, the process may seem daunting; but it doesn't have to be. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips these days with many trustworthy books and websites out there to walk you through the process, step by step. For example, HUD is a governement website with info, videos, and homebuyer programs to guide you through the process. 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is also a good site for homebuyer advice and handy calculators - be advised there are quite a few ads.
There are many resources that you can help you on your path to homeownership. But doing all this research can give us information overlord, sometimes a what not to do list can help us more than anything.
Read MoreTopics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education