Strong Blocks Rent to Own Milwaukee Program

Welcome to the forth edition of Credit Score Bootcamp. Last time we talked about the number one factor to repairing your credit score, this time we'll talk about the second biggest factor in your score: the amount you owe in debt.

Living within your means is easier said than done! If you give me a credit card with a $5,000 limit and I spend it, I assume I'm good as long as I pay the minimum due by the due date. Wrong Answer! 

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Topics: Credit, Homebuyer Education

I've discussed the 5 things you should consider when preparing to buy a home in the past. But you may also be wondering how much cash you need available for your home purchase.  How much cash you will need up-front primarily depends on these three factors... 

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Topics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

Last week, we dug into how to fix your credit score. This week we'll take a dive into payment history continuing to find ways to repair your credit.  The best way, in my opinion, to make your credit score go up is by focusing on your payment history. Payment history represents 35% of your score and its the biggest factor of the credit score.

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Topics: Credit, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

Earlier this week we discussed part one of the Bootcamp on how to overcome credit obstacles and obtaining a mortgage.  

In part two we'll discuss how to fix your credit score.  Have you ever been tempted to respond to one of those advertisements that promises to fix your credit? I thought about it too because credit repair sounds like a good idea; until I found out that they want money. Let me be clear to all of my readers, the only way to improve a credit record is to...

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Topics: Credit

Learning the anatomy of a credit score is extremely important for anyone out there who is looking to obtain financing. During the next couple weeks, I will take you through the Pathways to Financial Empowerment Bootcamp to teach you various credit repair Milwaukee topics such as:

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Topics: Credit, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

Until you and your family are able to qualify for a home, you are likely paying far more in rent than it may cost to be a homeowner.

The high costs of rent, lead many to consider rent-to-own to help build stability and save your family on housing costs long-term. But once you're interested in rent-to-own in Milwaukee, how do you compare different opportunities? We pick up where we left off in Part Two of this series on camparing different rent-to-own homes in Milwaukee...

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Topics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

The process of buying a home can seem nearly impossible if you can't get a loan right away. But until you and your family are able to qualify for a home, you are likely paying far more in rent than it costs to be own and maintain a home.

The high costs of renting, lead some to consider rent-to-own homes to help build stability and save on your family's housing costs long-term. But once you're interested in rent-to-own in Milwaukee, how do you compare different opportunities? With many rent to own homes in Milwaukee, consider these 4 key questions..

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Topics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

First-time homeownership in Milwaukee is exciting. You may have many plans and dreams. This is a big financial responsibility, and you want to ensure you make the right decisions. Before you start looking for a home, take a step back and be sure you have thought through the process. Consider a few key things you may want to do first, before you set out to buy...

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Topics: Credit, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

As a parent, you want what is best for your children and your family. You work hard to give your kids everything they need, even if it means sacrificing your own time, comfort and social life. You should be able to earn a place in Milwaukee to call your own.  But why own?  and why own in Milwaukee?

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Topics: Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

Buying a house may not be simple as it seems. There are a number of criteria to meet, and any little thing can hurt your progress. It can be hard when you hear the words, "mortgage denied" but there is hope! If you were denied a mortgage loan, the first thing you need to do is find out why. A no from a bank could mean you brought the wrong documents or that you only need to do 1 or 2 things to get to a yes. There could also be a number of more serious items that are standing in the way of homeownership and need to be addressed as part of your Buying Plan, including:

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Topics: Rent to Own, Buying a Home, Homebuyer Education

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